1. What advice would you give a couple getting married?
Don' t underestimate the power of generosity. Put yourself and your agenda on the back burner and think of each other first. When you are irritated or angry give that much more. God will give you the grace and He will bless your generosity!
2. If you could tell your 16 year old self ONE thing, what would it be?
Dont' take the Triginometry class! You don't need it and you are just trying to keep up with your friends out of vanity. It won't end well!!(Also, get rid of those pink and white pinstripe skinny jeans. Seriously)
3. What do you do to keep cool in the summer? (AC, windows, fans, swimming, etc.)
AC, swimming pool, and enormous quantities of iced tea.
4. What did you (or your wife) crave most while pregnant?
Ice. For instance snowballs: the shaved ice with flavors that are sold at stands all over Maryland. Also crushed ice in 7-Up or ginger ale. One pregnancy I had an urge to eat snow. Odd.
5. Who is your favorite TV mom? Why?
I guess I don't watch enough TV because I just can't think of one!
Thanks to Five Crooked Halos for hosting this easy way for me to start blogging again!